Yoga and Meditation Retreats with Dr. Shari Taylor
New Orleans-based Shari Taylor, PhD, MSN, RYT facilitates specialized, experiential workshops on yoga and meditation. Join us to integrate your heart, mind, and body. Training will consist of lecture, small group exercises, scriptotherapy, biofeedback, guided meditation, and interactive dialogue.
Dr. Taylor's workshops are the ultimate blend of deep learning, supportive connections, and transformational tools and techniques for accelerated personal growth. In this group you will learn to connect more deeply with yourself both physically and emotionally, to discover greater freedom of mind and body, and unconditional self-acceptance. Learn how to tap into your body intelligence for greater clarity of decision making.
Using scientifically proven techniques, including mindfulness and positive psychology, we will explore strategies to make small shifts that will transform your lives. You’ll leave feeling more connected with your true nature, with a clarity that will carry over into all aspects of your life. This deeper understanding of the integral nature of our mind, body, and spirit, will help people to identify and manage triggers that may be causing stress and anxiety.
By learning to hear and heed the wisdom of your entire being, you’ll find: - Clarity, focus and sense of perspective so that you can live more confidently and peacefully. - Deep relaxation so that you can let go of the past, stop worrying about the future, and live in the present. - Empowerment and motivation to make changes in your day-to-day and create the life you want. - Less stress, anxiety and depression and more joy, optimism and life inspiration. - Relief from pain and tension so that you can enjoy the skin you're in and experience your body as your ally.
More events soon to come!
A Yogini is a woman devoted to a life lived with totality of heart, with fierce truth, with compassion and unconditional love. She is an instrument of awakening in the world by her fearless commitment to show up authentically and generously, for her own radiant embodiment of love as well as for the healing of all sentient beings. Earth is home and so is infinity. ~Chameli Ardagh